Did Bert Ogden Subaru go above and beyond, provide exceptional service, or support causes that are important to you? We'd love to hear about it.
Subaru and its retailers partner with Operation Warm® to visit local homeless shelters and support agencies to provide children with brand-new necessities like coats, shoes, and socks.
These essential items not only help keep children protected, warm, and dry, they can also have a significant impact on a child's mental and emotional well-being.
Through this partnership and other historical Subaru Loves to Help efforts, Subaru and our retailers will have helped nearly 900,000 children and adults in urgent need so far.
Subaru and our retailers are committed to protecting and preserving the Earth, not just by our words, but also by our actions.
More than 13 million pieces of hard-to-recycle waste collected and recycled through TerraCycle®.
Subaru believes we all should have a chance to lead a healthy life. That's why Subaru and its retailers, like us, partner with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS) and their local hospital or cancer treatment center to give warm blankets and encouraging messages of hope, written by retailers and Subaru customers in their stores, to support patients facing cancer. Through our partnership with LLS, we've supported nearly 350,000 cancer patients nationwide. We're proud to be LLS's largest automotive donor.
Subaru and its retailers, like us, are continuing our support of education and high-needs schools in our communities through Subaru Loves Learning(R) by providing teachers across the country with funding to purchase the school supplies and resources they know are needed to help students thrive in the classroom. Through our partnership with AdoptAClassroom.org, Subaru and its retailers will have supported more than 470,000 students nationwide and are proud to be their largest corporate supporter.
Subaru believes all pets deserve a loving home. That's why Subaru and its retailers, like us, partner with a local animal shelter every October to provide direct financial assistance and host adoption events to help animals find loving homes. Through our partnership with local and national organizations, we have donated over $51 million, which has supported the adoption, rescue, transport, and health of over 420,000 animals. We're proud to be the largest corporate donor to the ASPCA.
Subaru and its retailers believe in giving back to our communities. That's why for every new vehicle sold or leased during the Subaru Share the Love event, Subaru and its retailers, like us, makes a donation to national charities that our owners care about and to over 2,100 local charities where Subaru owners live and work.
Now, after 15 years, Subaru and our retailers have donated over $256 million to charity all to give back and to make the world a better place.
Our Love Promise can be seen in various partnerships with local charities and non-profits. We're grateful for the opportunity, not only to be a part of our community, but to serve it as well.
Subaru and Bert Ogden Subaru believe in making a positive impact on the communities in which we live and work. We uphold that belief through our Love Promise Community Commitment. Every month, we select inspiring stories from customers and partners from around our area who strive to support our collective commitment and feature them here.
Mariana M.
Spreading comfort and compassion at DHR Health Oncology Institute alongside Bert Ogden Subaru Edinburg! Our Subaru Love to Care event brought blankets, heartfelt messages, and activity kits to uplift those fighting leukemia and lymphoma. Let's keep spreading love and showing we care! 🌟💖 #EdinburgTX #CommunitySupport #CancerCare #SubaruLove #hopeandhealing
Pete S.
Just want to thank my local Subaru dealer (Bert Ogden) and more specifically their Subaru Ambassadors (Jamie from JB Pet Care) for supplying dozens of blankets and bags of dog & cat food for us to distribute to local shelters and dog foster homes here in my area. The level of lost and abandoned pets in this area is severe, the shelters are over populated and any little bit helps. Thank you Geoff Mauldin (Bert Ogden Subaru GM) for your support in these trying times, you and your dealership are a god send.
Allison L.
Palm Valley Animal Society joined Bert Ogden Subaru on 10/14 and 10/28 during Subaru Loves Pets month to advertise adoptable pets and increase adoption efforts and exposure of available pets in our care that needed additional marketing and opportunities for their adoption. Gretta, a senior pitbull mix who had suffered from various health conditions in our shelter, was one dog whom we continued to try to find a loving home for, yet could not find anyone who was willing to give Gretta a chance. At one of our adoption events at Bert Ogden Subaru on 10/28, Gretta's luck changed. She was adopted by a loving family determined to care for her for the rest of her golden years. Fortunately, she was also adopted alongside a puppy named Zucchini, who would be her new best friend. We are so grateful to Bert Ogden Subaru for allowing us to host this adoption event and finding Gretta the loving home she desperately deserved
Mariana M.
Bert Ogden Subaru went to South Padre Island with clean up kits in order to pick up trash and debris from our beautiful beach. As we were collecting trash, spectators walked up to ask us what we were doing the cleanup for, and asked if they could join us! We were more than happy to pass out clean up kits and they joined in the effort to keep our beach clean! We were able to pick up countless amounts of plastic bottles, bottle caps, and straws. We are so happy to help clean the beach in order to make a difference in the environment for all to continue to enjoy! #DALEGAS!
Mariana M.
Congratulations to Mariah Garcia service advisor at Bert Ogden Subaru and Edinburg for receiving the prestigious “Subaru Love Promise Community Commitment Award!!” This award is presented in recognition of your outstanding commitment to your community in 2022. Thank you for choosing to support your local community with time, resources, and love. #DaleGas #BertOgden #CongratulationsMariah #TheSubaruLovePromise #LoveForCommunity
Allison L.
Through our partnership with Bert Ogden Subaru, Palm Valley Animal Society hosted two adoption events during the month of October. We also celebrated Subaru Loves Pets month by waiving all of our adoption fees throughout the entire month. Through the joint efforts of Bert Ogden Subaru and Palm Valley Animal Society, 407 pets found their perfect, loving home this October. One adopter shared her story about how her rescue cat, who was adopted during Subaru Loves Pets month, taught her to love again after the loss of her childhood companion, Sammy. "I knew I would be a lifelong cat lover when I met my first cat, Sammy. My family rescued her when I was just six years old, and despite all the love and attention my siblings flooded her with, she still chose me as her human. Sammy was the most faithful companion a girl could have. She slept curled up on my neck nightly and even regularly stole scraps of food from the kitchen for me. Sammy and I loved each other for eleven years before it was finally her time to go. The grief I felt was indescribable, leaving an emptiness I thought would never be filled. Although I continued to love cats, I couldn't picture myself owning another one because I wasn't ready to deal with another loss. That was until I met Marnie. I adopted Marnie from Palm Valley Animal Society in October after falling in love with her the moment I met her. There was an immediate connection that I had not felt with another cat since Sammy. While she could never replace Sammy or erase the pain of missing her, she made me feel like there was room in my heart to make space for this new love. Every day since I adopted her, my life has felt fuller. She has taught me a lot about loving again after grieving, and I could not be more grateful for all the light and love she has brought into my life. Since I’m currently a full-time college student, I was also able to get her adoption fees waived which was a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm so thankful for Bert Ogden Subaru and Palm Valley Animal Society for helping me find my new companion."
Mariana M.
Today we visited Hargill Elementary with our Subaru dealership! Subaru & Bert Ogden dealerships donated school supplies to the Hargill Elementary teachers! Welcome back to school! Bert Ogden dealerships is wishing everyone a safe & fun school year! ✏️ Dale Gas! #rgv #956 #backtoschool
Sarah F.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society holds a 10-week philanthropic competition, the Man & Woman of the Year campaign, where we look to leaders in the community to come together to raise funds for blood cancer research. This year we were fortunate to be connected with Natasha del Barrio, CEO of Bert Ogden Auto Group, to ask her to join the 2022 campaign. Being a Subaru retailer, Natasha was already familiar with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) through the Subaru Loves to Care program –which made her answer an easy one – she was all in! Bringing her Bert Ogden team onboard to help build “Team Driving Forward for a Cure”, they began turning their wheels to come up with a plan that would make an impact not only for the Rio Grande Valley, but blood cancer patients across the country. With the generous support of their owners, Bob & Janet Vackar, Bert Ogden Auto Group ran an incredibly successful retail campaign across their 22 dealerships. This retail campaign donated $100 for each car sold during the 10-weeks, which accumulated to over $600,000! In addition to the retail campaign, Team Driving Forward for a Cure teamed up with many of their industry vendors and supporters by hosting an in-person clay shoot. Every dollar raised for LLS was a victory and this team ended their 10-week campaign with a grand total of $840,106 raised for blood cancer research. We are in awe of the dedication of the Bert Ogden Auto Group and their tenacity to ensure that they reached far and wide within their community to support LLS. This campaign culminated with a Grand Finale Celebration where Natasha del Barrio and Team Driving Forward for a Cure received the honor of ‘Woman of the Year’ for their fundraising efforts. Only a few days later, Natasha and the Bert Ogden Subaru team were back in the community, this time bringing blankets to their local blood cancer patients for the Subaru Loves to Care program. Their support for their community does not waiver and goes beyond their industry each and every day. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is proud to have received love and support from Bert Ogden Auto Group and Bert Ogden Subaru, we hope to have a long continuous partnership for years to come!
Bert O.
BERT OGDEN SUBARU SPREADING LOVE, WARMTH, AND HOPE!! The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) partnered with Subaru and its retailers for the seventh consecutive year to spread love, warmth, and hope to patients with blood cancer and their families. As part of Subaru Loves to Care, Subaru and its retailers delivered warm blankets and messages of hope to those fighting cancer this morning at DHR. And during June, National Cancer Survivor Month, Subaru is generously matching every eligible gift we receive by June 30, Donate now and double your impact! See how we can help at LLS.org/Patient-Support. #DaleGas #BertOgden #LLSusa #SubaruLovesToCare #DHR #WhereLoveMeetsHope
Teodoro L.
Beatrix had so much going against her adoption. She was an adult pitbull mix who had heartworms and a history of very timid and cautious behavior. For six months, she sat quietly in her kennel, waiting for just the right match. When she spent time in our lobby, she would nervously tap her feet when someone approached her, wanting attention but just not quite sure how to receive it. When the Lopez family came in looking for a new pet, adoption counselors suggested they just take a look at Beatrix. Counselors brought her from her kennel out to meet the three kids, and to the surprise of everyone, she melted in their arms. Little people were exactly what she needed! The Lopez family wasn't deterred by her breed, size or heartworm status. She's doing great in her home and has already started her heartworm treatments. Thank you Subaru for supporting the animals of Palm Valley Animal Society and the people of the Rio Grande Valley!
Mariana M.
Geoff Mauldin, General Manager of Bert Ogden Subaru of Edinburg along with representatives from the Bert Ogden and Fiesta Marketing and Public Relations departments, were overjoyed to visit the Comfort House of the Rio Grande Valley to drop off donations to those in need. Together with your help and gracious donations we were able to collect over 100 blankets, over 150 pairs of socks and over 250 individual personal grooming items to be distributed to those in need. And just another way Subaru Loves to Help.
Julian W.
It was early morning when a staff member drove into the parking lot of the Laurie P. Andrews Center when she spotted a small dog along the fence of the on-site, community dog park. At first glance, the little dog seemed to have belonged at the park with his care-giver possibly just out of view, but at closer inspection, the light-brown pup was alone and had a noticeable limp, dragging his left hind leg behind him as he hobbled along the park’s fence line. We called him Roger, a standard smooth hair, Dachshund who hid a multitude of shocking injuries through a friendly, canine smile. The back of his neck displayed a terrible gash between his shoulder blades that extended down along his backside, a traumatic injury that most likely resulted from being hit by a car though our veterinarians could not put a definitive finger on the actual cause. Roger’s limping leg was given x-rays, which we now have the ability to provide at PVAS for the first time in our history. The images showed multiple breaks along the tibia from a previous injury--an injury that had healed improperly causing poor Roger to have grown accustomed to dragging it as he moved. And worse: tiny yet distinctive round objects scattered in the affected leg--tell-tale x-ray images of birdshot. In other words, at some point before seeking refuge at the parking lot of the Palm Valley Animal Society, Roger’s leg had suffered a shotgun blast. PVAS Animal Techs were quick to aid Roger who, despite his ragged wounds, approached them willingly, tongue out, and happy as can be. Can you believe the remarkable disposition of this dog? When approached with a kennel to transport him inside the Andrews Center Clinic, Roger stepped in immediately where other dogs are reluctant at best. Still all smiles, Roger was examined and treated by Dr. Lisa, Palm Valley Animal Society’s in-house veterinarian. Unfortunately, his afflicted hind leg needed to be amputated; there was no mending it due to the complication of the improperly healed breaks, but thanks to medical and surgical supplies from our supporters at the Banfield Foundation, Roger received exceptional, life-altering care. After a period of recovery, it was up to local RGV residents, just like you, to help Roger next. A local foster family stepped forward and hosted the little pooch in their home where he enjoyed the company of his new caregivers and their other dogs. He returned to our care after an entire month, enjoying daily walks and playing fetch with his favorite tennis ball at various doggy playgrounds at the Andrews Center. Roger, with a heart-of-gold, bearing a grin through such traumas, was described by our veterinary team as a dog who had been through “so many terrible things and just wanted to be loved”, “a quirky little dog with only 3 legs” who you’d never have guessed suffered so much due to his disarming smiles and penchant for play and human affection. It’s amazing how Roger went through so much and was still able to trust and love people he didn’t know (a great lesson for us all). He truly is a one-of-a-kind, and he didn’t remain at PVAS for long. Within 2 weeks and many-a-Facebook post later, Roger was adopted by a loving family from San Juan, Texas where he enjoys car rides to the park and the comforts of a brand new forever-home. We are thankful for his new family; it brings all of us at PVAS relief knowing he is safe and will never be abused again or subjected to fear for his life by cruel hands. Roger’s happy outcome relied on the assistance of so many caring and dedicated people. He had the collaborative support of our community, our partners, and staff members. Together, we all saved Roger’s life, and the Subaru Loves Pets Campaign will help to continue making that difference for other animals just like him.
Jacqueline R.
On July 11th, Mario Cavazos, and other staff from Bert Ogden Subaru delivered blankets, messages of hope cards, and arts & Crafts to Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance Cancer Center. Our Patient Access Manager, Chelsea Hart, was thrilled to see Subaru’s Blanket Distribution as this was her first experience with Subaru Loves to Care. Throughout this experience, she felt “inspired to see the Ogden Subaru family be so involved and thoughtful to each patient they saw.” The Ogden Subaru staff were excited to engage with patients and their families. Chelsea and Doctor’s Hospital staff were touched to see how genuine the Ogden staff were to bring smiles and warmth to each patient. So much so, the Ogden crew prayed with each patient and their families. “It was very emotional to see the pain in the patient's eyes. We wanted them to know we are praying for them. We do this because we want to bring hope and encouragement. We know they can beat this disease,” Mario expressed to Chelsea. Mario and his staff were grateful to have met more than 30 patients that day. “We want to make sure that every patient knows that Bert Ogden Subaru is one of their biggest supporters. Almost each and every one of us knows someone who has been impacted by this horrible disease. I personally know so many people. This is why this blanket distribution means more to me than just a donation. It means compassion, hope, and support. We will look forward to doing this every year until that cure.”
Jessye P.
On July 11th, 2017, the Leukemia & Lymphoma’s Society’s South Central Texas Chapter teamed up with Bert Ogden Subaru to deliver warm blankets, craft kits and care cards to patients at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Cancer Center. The gifted items certainly brightened the day for patients and was most appreciated by the hospital staff. Thank you Bert Ogden Subaru for making a difference in your community.
Rosemarie G.
Over the last 2 years, Wilbur E. Lucas Elementary partnered with our PTO, school administrators,and the school community to volunteer to beautify our school patio and habitat during the spring school beautification season. In an era of budget cuts, School Beautification Day has become a welcome tradition for students,parents and administrators, alike. A well manicured school patio and habitat communicates that native wildlife matters to our students and builds favor with the school community. We look forward to our next School Patio and Habitat Beautification Day.
Parker L.
Mr. Robert C. Vackar and a group of Bert Ogden Veterans were invited to this beautiful ceremony at the Iwo Jima Memorial to support and honor our community's and country's heroes.Thank you to the local Military Marine Academy and all it's students for allowing us to be apart of your ceremony in honoring all our veterans.
Parker L.
Thank you to Alonso Cantu, who spent the day with us at the new H-E-B Park Stadium & gave us an update on the progress of the Bert Ogden Arena! The RGV FC TOROS is a member of the United Soccer League (USL). The team will serve as the development affiliate of Major League Soccer’s Houston Dynamo. The USL is the strongest U.S. men’s professional soccer league below Major League Soccer (MLS), it features 24 teams in 2015 across the United States and Canada with multiple teams in all four time zones.
Parker L.
Bert Ogden Subaru and other local businesses team up to raise $494,594 for Easter Seals at this year's annual Telethon! Easter Seals: Taking on Disability TOGETHER! On behalf of everyone here at Bert Ogden Subaru we would like to thank everyone in the Rio Grande Valley for your charitable donations! Dale Gas!
Margo M.
Palm Valley has partnered with Bert Ogden Subaru to offer on-site adoptions through their mobile unit. Several rescued dogs have been adopted by happy Subaru owners! Bert Ogden's very own, Augie Lozano - Public Relations Manager, is the proud caretaker of "Willie" a hyper German Shepard.
Did Bert Ogden Subaru go above and beyond, provide exceptional service, or support causes that are important to you? We'd love to hear about it.